Start a local support group chapter in your community!
We'll provide you with the necessary guidelines and resources to help you get started and succeed.
By becoming a part of our nationwide support group chapter network, you'll have the opportunity to make a significant impact, create a sense of community, and provide essential support to individuals facing these challenges in your local area.
General Information:
Connect With Specialists: Gain access to experienced providers and specialists in the fields of pediatric feeding challenges, swallowing, and voicing. Receive expert advice, training, and resources to enhance the support you provide to your community.
Annual Conference: Attend our yearly conference, bringing together support group chapters nationwide. Network, collaborate, and share knowledge with like-minded individuals and organizations.
Main Chapter Membership: Optional membership in the main chapter, the Star Center Foundation, for an annual fee of $175.00. Access additional resources, funding opportunities, and support from the central organization. Join a broader network of support groups, fostering collaboration and shared knowledge.
Community Outreach: "Hear Me Roar" also has a heartwarming community outreach program. Members of the support group visit local nursery schools to read to young children. This not only promotes literacy but also helps members regain confidence in their voices. It's an opportunity for individuals with neurogenic conditions to give back to the community while improving their communication skills.
Create your own support group
Are you passionate about making a positive impact and helping those facing pediatric feeding challenges, swallowing difficulties, and voicing concerns? We invite you to become a local chapter in your state or city and join our dedicated team of individuals committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. Together, we can provide crucial support and resources to those facing these challenges.